Asbestos Survey Winchester

Asbestos Survey Winchester

A recent asbestos survey was carried out in Winchester by Danguard. The survey was an asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Survey.

The commercial premises were formerly a bank in Winchester High Street. The Survey was carried out to allow for a new commercial business to take over the lease.

Although no asbestos containing materials were found to be present in this instance, Danguard have surveyed numerous banks which unless removed previously are notorius for having asbestos used in their construction.

This survey in Winchester was carried out by Danguard on behalf of a regular client who carry out refurbishment & development of commercail properties across the South West.

Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys are a legal requirement on all properties prior to commencement of works.

If you are a company or idividual requiring an asbestos survey or testing in Winchester then please feel free to get in touch. We will gladly talk you through the process and what is entailed.